One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dear sewing machine

I need mini Japanese hands with supersonic strength, a 'minier' screwdriver that fits the screws on my machine. I am sad cos we have broken bits and I just wanna sew!!!

Wah, wah, wah!!  I have a deadline people!!

On a happier note I am getting and new sewing machine but not till November. It's not that far away but considering I have to baseest povest machine you can get (literally) it seems 6 years away today.

38 more rows I just need it to sew for 38 more rows!!