One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Giving it a go

I  took the plunge into making my own jam.....and it worked! I am very impressed with the end result and let's be honest, myself! haha!

It is very important to be organized and have some company
Levi will be turning 2 in early September.

I am a bit torn with having the laptop on the ledge to 'help' me. The independant part of me gives myself a bit of a pep talk about 'winging it' but the learner part of me sees the usefulness of looking a few things up at least the first time. The photo below was me googling to see ways I could wisely use up my squeezed lemons. I'm keen to try drying lemon rind in the near future.
Lemons straight from our tree. Another blessing from our great backyard!
 I was quite shocked at how big our lemon tree seems to have suddenly gotten! It is heavily laden. I am thinking of making lemon butter and lemon meringue pie. Lemon meringue pie is my favorite pie along with cherry pie. Actually pretty much any pie if I'm being honest! Pumpkin pie, blueberry pie, coconut cream pie. Pie, pie, pie!

Isn't it funny how we can put off doing something for awhile because it seems like a lot of effort but in the end when you do give it a go it ends up a lot of fun and not too difficult!

Kiwifruit jam bubbling away. The kiwis were given to me by a very generous friend from her backyard. Organic, grown all by itself fruit tastes a million times better than store bought stuff any day!

 The photo below shows you where the children stand whilst I cook. They all try to argue about who gets the step Levi is on but it basically is a combination of first come first serve, being generous and shortest gets it!

The end result! I'm thrilled! 2 to keep and one for my friend who gave us the kiwis! Finally doing more and more of the things I really want to do! I highly recommend challenging yourself to try something you have been thinking of. For me it is mostly learning new skills, less waste, using what I have. 
Oh and if you ordinarily throw your glass jars out would you mind saving some for me? We are using less and less 'jarred' foods so would love some of yours if they are otherwise going into the recycling bin.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Feeling stressed lately. It is different to it has been in the past. In the past 'something' would happen. unexpected big bill with not enough money to pay for it. Or an argument, offending someone, worry, worry, worry!!  I HATE it so much and now I feel it again but like I said in a different way. Like something lurking in the background. Nothing really happening that would prompt me to be stressed but yet it lingers. Like an unwelcomed guest.

Now I am trying to take deep breaths and go easier on myself. I feel in some ways it was better when I was somewhat of a hermit. I could keep on top of naps, disciplining the kids, housework. It was like something had to give and 'hanging' out with people had to be it.

I don't feel like I was taught how to be generous. I also think I am too hard on myself about it all but still I just do not want a messy house!!  I see other people have messier houses but fuller 'scheduals'.

Let me clarify that I am not comparing myself to others and casting this wholly negative light on myself and I most certainly don't think my value as a person is defined by the cleanliness of my home. I also don't go to other people's homes and notice clean or tidy. I notice them!

Not sure really and can't quite put my finger on it.

Thanks to Bec and Nelle on your replies in my previous post. You were both on the money with what I was referring too. Why do you think I had a shared facebook with Ben for so long! At that stage I was so afraid of people's criticism of me. I had been quite hurt by other people's 'honesty' which was in the end nothing but unfair judgement and making me a scapegoat because I'm 'tough'. Well newsflash.....I am sensitive and tenderhearted. The bold me is true but also the element of the 'soft' side of me is often overlooked.

It is hurtful being constantly made a scapegoat but at the same time I have grown up a bit (thankfully) and now I don't mind (so much). I do long to be that 'nice girl' sometimes though but this also contradicts the me wanting to be a hermit! haha

Better feed the baby and hop him in bed followed closely by myself!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Do you ever

Have things you really want to say on your blog. I mean, it's 'your' place BUT other people read it. Once it's out there is right out there in the WEB. It might not be anything bad per say and it might be at the same time. Something someone did to offend you. I find time often is best with that one. A bit of reflection and you realize it wasn't really worth getting upset about in the first place.

Or a secrt, something embarassing or funny.....guess that's what husbands are for. Good old Ben can be told the non internetty things :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Since we last spoke....

I have not started sewing all those itty bitty scraps together. I have started a little runner for the top of our new (to us) piano. Something to just give it a bit of a prettying up.

Life has been ticking by with lots to do and lots on my mind.

Yesteray was a beautiful sunny day (almost didn't feel like winter!) so we got out into the yard (all 7 of us). Elijah was site supervisor and the others were calling out left, right and centre "mummy are you watching?" If anything is going to tip me over it might be being asked way way WAY to many times "are you watching?" Especially when they are looking straight at me and asking 3 times in a row without giving me a chance to respond. Silly babies! Nonetheless there were many instances of watching, laughing and smiling.

Our internet has been slowed so now no chance of uploading pictures for a few more days.

Thank you Jaclyn for your camera advice :)

Be back soon with a few things to share. :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Next stop sewing!

I have finished cutting! All up I have done 1300 2.5 inch squares. Seems like a lot but once they get sewn together.....well who knows how big it will be OR how I will quilt it because I am fairly sure it will be big. Then I will move on I hope to making a quilt for a single bed for someone's birthday. Better motor on as the birthday is not that far away!

Elijah is now nearly 9 weeks old! I can't believe how quickly time goes by but at least I didn't feel terribly busy until baby number 5. I am sure things will settle down soon it's just go, go to look after all these precious little ones.

One thing currently on my mind Double Jeopardy really James? Jewel seems quite 'plump' around the belly! Eek! FYI I am talking about guinea pigs :)

Oh, oh! Just remembered Ethan had a sleepover with scouts last night and had a blast but gee whiz I missed his wonderful presence in the home! :(

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cutting cutting cutting

When I have a little bit of time here and there I have been cutting for my next quilt. A quilt for me! Who knows how long it will take me to finish as it is a scrappy quilt using my scraps. Then I have another quilt I am planning. Ben thinks I should stop once I make Elijah a big one and one for us cos "everyone only needs one". Since when was this about 'needing'.

I enjoy it so very much! Helps me to not be a stress head!

Slowly been feeling stress creaping back lately and don't know why. Onward and upward. It sucks feeling like you are a sucky person sometimes :(

Monday, June 20, 2011

Keeping stuff, loving stuff, making stuff

Well hello friends!

I have been thinking about a few things lately. Well a lot of things really but here is a small tid bit of what resides within my mind from time to time.

STUFF. We all have it, keep it, use it. I keep quite a tidy home and I enjoy cleanliness and order but sometimes this doesn't reflect my mind. Sometimes my mind feels burdened and cluttered and sometimes I realize that I am ordering and sorting stuff that I just don't need to keep.

Exhibit A:

The above two photos are of some of the 'stuff' I had safely packed in my closet. I often wonder if I have a box of  'stuff' if I could chuck it out without opening it if I haven't looked in it for say a year or more? Obviously there is nothing in there I use on any regular basis.

Could YOU do it? I have a box marked "old letters". I know what is in there. Some good memories and some bad memories. I am not entirely sure why I keep these things. Maybe to remind me of what I should forget?

Then there's the VHS tapes with more 'memories' on them. Photos of times gone by, back when I actually printed out photos.

I am not sure what it is about me that dislikes clutter so much. I really enjoy opening a cupboard and being able to get something  out straight away.

My latest quilt finished. Using up the 'girly' I spy squares. I made it using a great disappearing 9 patch tutorial on a blog called obsessively stitching.

I will have to add to this post later as the photos are taking soooooooooo long to load and it is driving me CRAZY!

All you rich ladies out there with fancy pants cameras how do you get you photos to load quickly? My camera is not fancy so surely it should be quick to load?

Monday, May 30, 2011


Yesterday we went to a friend's house to check out their menagerie of animals. It was lovely! They live on 27 acres. Seems like a dream that is far away BUT I am different than I was a year ago, even 6 months ago.

I am still desperate for new carpet and I know logically I should just get over it because we don't have money to do anything about it at this time. I still so badly want that carpet gone :(

However, there is much we can do that just requires muscle and effort. So hopefully Ben reads this soon (hi my love) and then he marches straight outside and gives me a hand.

Yes, yes still no photos :(

Monday, May 16, 2011

Life and stuff

Do you ever go through thinking "what is going on with my/our life"? "is there anything 'blogworthy'"?

Yes there are quite a few crafty endeavors, The sewing room is downstairs and looking good, birthday's celebrated, new beginnings, a brother returned.....lots to 'talk' about but Ithink the photos component gets to me.

I take lots of photos of th kids, videos but at the moment I am stuck in cuddle world.

I actually wondered if I could love my fifth baby as much as the ones before. Well let's me tell you I am HEAD OVER HEALS IN LOVE.

Totally besotted, mushy pie on the inside and the outside. Brimming with joy to have Elijah.

Then there are 'the others' the rest of the EAGLE tribe. I love them more and more too. I do struggle sometimes thinking about how big Ethan is getting. I miss the tender middle of the night cuddles with my firstborn.

So onward and upward! Here's to remembering to take photos to belong to posts!

Bless you and you and YOU!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Elijah Luke

Our precious 5th child entered the world on Tuesday April 26th 2011 at 1:43pm weighing 3630g or 8lbs. What else can I tell you? 50cm long, 35.5cm head and h.a.i.r but that shouldn't surprise anyone!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bush walking with mail

Ok so it is VERY late and I am up. :( Oh well. I seem to have symptoms of being unwell yet go through bursts of feeling fine. Quite an uncomfortable feeling but I guess if someone asks me I would say....

"Me? I feel fine. Just a minor detour every half hour or so......"

Yesterday I went for a wonderful walk on my own with the puppies.

It was all very nice thinking of being on a walk with just the 'new baby' growing inside of me and 2 energetic pups I hoped would help me along the way if I got to any big hills. Afterall, I do live in Mt Evelyn!

I ended up in a reserve which just seemed like thick bush and before me next to the 'trail' I found a mailbox!

I was in a bit of a state of wondering what to do. I thought "God, is this our new mailbox"?  I turned it over and the number on it was 144. I touched the end 4 and it was stuck fast. I pushed on the 1 and it was stuck fast. I merely touched the middle 4 and wow-wee it just fell off!!

I am trying to not sound funny saying this but I found that quite amazing considering we were in great need of this practical item AND our house number is 14!!

So I carried the mailbox home. Thankfully only 2 cars passed by and I know they thought it was rather funny. By this stage I was nearly dragging the pups.....any myself and now a new mailbox home! When I say new it really did seem new as in new! Key and all!

After much interrogation (of me, not the mailbox) Ben said we could keep it. After all I was in the bush with seemingly no houses around!

What are you in search of or hoping to find?