One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The world I watched for so long

So here is my FIRST EVER blog. Why have I been afraid of something for so long and now that I finally looked into it, it is actually quite easy!! I thought I was surrounded by people who had a million more brain cells then me!

Anyhow, I am not really sure what I intend to do with this but we will see how we go. Hopefully I attend to this new little venture and eventually learn how to post pictures and other "cool" little things.

My husband was shocked the other day with how many of other people's blogs I read. I am now a bit scared about who might read mine and if it is any "good". Oh well I am not doing it for other people but at the same time don't want to look silly.

Now on to investigating the "picture" side of my blog. Woohoo worked it out!

Now of all pictures to choose why did I pick this one? Who knows! This is a picture of me just before I had my last but not "last, last" (if you know what I mean) baby Grace Bethany

This is Ethan with Grace. He is VERY in love with "Baby Grace"

Last but not least 2 of my precious girl Ashley.

I forgot a picture of Grace on her own. Here you go!

1 comment:

DenimAngel said...

Gorgeous pictures. I love you belly picture too, brings back so many memories.