One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Monday, May 16, 2011

Life and stuff

Do you ever go through thinking "what is going on with my/our life"? "is there anything 'blogworthy'"?

Yes there are quite a few crafty endeavors, The sewing room is downstairs and looking good, birthday's celebrated, new beginnings, a brother returned.....lots to 'talk' about but Ithink the photos component gets to me.

I take lots of photos of th kids, videos but at the moment I am stuck in cuddle world.

I actually wondered if I could love my fifth baby as much as the ones before. Well let's me tell you I am HEAD OVER HEALS IN LOVE.

Totally besotted, mushy pie on the inside and the outside. Brimming with joy to have Elijah.

Then there are 'the others' the rest of the EAGLE tribe. I love them more and more too. I do struggle sometimes thinking about how big Ethan is getting. I miss the tender middle of the night cuddles with my firstborn.

So onward and upward! Here's to remembering to take photos to belong to posts!

Bless you and you and YOU!

1 comment:

PaisleyJade said...

Hey Katherine! Couldn't find your email but thanks for your comment on my blog re crochet. I have found a few youtube left-handed tutorials... try searching with 'left handed' in the search bar. xK