One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Monday, May 30, 2011


Yesterday we went to a friend's house to check out their menagerie of animals. It was lovely! They live on 27 acres. Seems like a dream that is far away BUT I am different than I was a year ago, even 6 months ago.

I am still desperate for new carpet and I know logically I should just get over it because we don't have money to do anything about it at this time. I still so badly want that carpet gone :(

However, there is much we can do that just requires muscle and effort. So hopefully Ben reads this soon (hi my love) and then he marches straight outside and gives me a hand.

Yes, yes still no photos :(


Mama Duck said...

I'll come and help you!

ARTwendy ... said...

Has he jumped in & helped yet?
The carpet can wait .... cuddle that baby boy! xxx