One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Monday, June 20, 2011

Keeping stuff, loving stuff, making stuff

Well hello friends!

I have been thinking about a few things lately. Well a lot of things really but here is a small tid bit of what resides within my mind from time to time.

STUFF. We all have it, keep it, use it. I keep quite a tidy home and I enjoy cleanliness and order but sometimes this doesn't reflect my mind. Sometimes my mind feels burdened and cluttered and sometimes I realize that I am ordering and sorting stuff that I just don't need to keep.

Exhibit A:

The above two photos are of some of the 'stuff' I had safely packed in my closet. I often wonder if I have a box of  'stuff' if I could chuck it out without opening it if I haven't looked in it for say a year or more? Obviously there is nothing in there I use on any regular basis.

Could YOU do it? I have a box marked "old letters". I know what is in there. Some good memories and some bad memories. I am not entirely sure why I keep these things. Maybe to remind me of what I should forget?

Then there's the VHS tapes with more 'memories' on them. Photos of times gone by, back when I actually printed out photos.

I am not sure what it is about me that dislikes clutter so much. I really enjoy opening a cupboard and being able to get something  out straight away.

My latest quilt finished. Using up the 'girly' I spy squares. I made it using a great disappearing 9 patch tutorial on a blog called obsessively stitching.

I will have to add to this post later as the photos are taking soooooooooo long to load and it is driving me CRAZY!

All you rich ladies out there with fancy pants cameras how do you get you photos to load quickly? My camera is not fancy so surely it should be quick to load?


Mama Duck said...

Oh I LOVE your quilt... it is so lovely! Your girls will treasure it forever!
I am by no means rich cash wis (rich in God, yes!), but I have a nice camera that my naughty hubby saved up and bought me for y birthday. I reduce the photo file size down to about 500pixels wide, instead of however big your camera makes them. Then they load faster, and seeing as you're not printing out the photos they don't need to be super high resolution. Hope that helps?

ARTwendy ... said...

great clue ... on the photos ... did that help? Love your "i spy" per usual ... 9 weeks oh no! Maybe we could visit next week? When suits you?