One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baking results

Ok so obviously I was going for the rustic look as well as the taste fantastic look!

Hot cross bun cross and glaze need tweaking but the taste....maybe I should slice a thigh or two open and shove them right in there!?

I decided since we last spoke to also make banana bread.

Here's hoping the critic comes home and tries them and doesn't say

Not as good as J (his 10 year old niece, his sister or his mum) or nah, prefer safeway.

He's so funny because he is really encouraging just not overly emotional (like me) so he is just saying.....

p.s. I wished today that I got married 4 years earlier and had kids 4 years later and half of them amount of feels like it sucks but have hope because the day is not over!

p.p.s I feel horrible about my p.s but sometimes you just gotta get it out....of my web and into the web

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