One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Catching up and relearning to take time out

Hello non dial up speed! Yay!

Ok here is the latest update from the Murphy household

Mr Levi is now 7 months old and such a good little boy. He is still 100% breastfed and his 'only' downside is his waking time in the morning. Bit too early for me but he hangs out for his first feed at 7am. I do not feed him before then!

He has amazed us with his willingness to try crawling! We find this to be very funny cos our 'earliest' crawler was at 14 months! His eyes are very different to the other kiddies. His are more grey blue with a hint of brown. He is just so cute!

Grace Bethany. I just love her full name and find it funny hearing little Ashley saying "Grace Bethany you stop that". I have many conversations with both Ashley and Ethan about them not being in charge.

The only way she will stay still for the camera these days is if I say "Where's the camera Grace". Then I get a cute "There it is" along with a chubby little pointing finger.

Her new glasses have been going well. Only one visit back to the optometrist for a re-jig. She has only ever taken them off once and her eye only turns in when they aren't on. We reassess her eyes at the end of this month.

Little Ashley. Very independant and helpful. Folds washing like a champ. Dresses herself. Pretty much will give anything a go. Loves to tell me "Mummy your my friend". A precious little girl with hair getting longer every day.

Lastly my 'big' boy. Ethan will be 5 on the first of May. He is very funny (just quietly Grace is the funniest but that is partly biased cos her mannerisms and perfect pudgyness tips it over) I am loving my big boy. LOTS of questions and incessant chatter make some days seem long. His level of comprehension and understanding is amazing. He is very helpful these days and now able to do many things (i.e buckle his own harness buckles)

The prince aka Levi is beckoning his handmaiden (me). This trying to crawl thing is ever so frustrating! Why won't his arms move? He's got the legs going but arms are still learning what to do. That, and he has not pooed in a couple days so I am expecting one of his trademark 'blow outs'.

One last photo to share. Grace and her friend Zia
Oh yeah and me with the 2 little ones. Grace is looking pretty trendy with her headband on! Levi fell asleep in my arms. Oh the sweetness of that little guy!

I will update with more pics soon. Ben has taken them off the camera and put them?????

Well that's it. Busy times people, busy times!

p.s. apologies for typo's no time to check :)

1 comment:

ARTwendy ... said...

We will miss you Friday night .... & I love your glasses!