One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Great food great value

Just popping in to share this.....

Do you love pub food? Bistro meals?

My parents went out last night. Each paying under 10 for a main meal with salad and chips.

I checked out the website and this is for Australia wide!

Shame we didn't get told about this on Tuesday as we ate a delicious meal in Ferntree Gully.....would it have tasted better at $10 each? :)

Lauren, do you ever go out for dinner with David? I am interested in hearing about what foods you both enjoy.

Bec, are you feeling better? I hope so

Wendy, are you on Aussie soil? Not yet? I look forward to seeing you when you return.

Nelle, if you read this I am interested in hearing about how you got your piano.

Take care darling readers. Ha! Doesn't that sound like I am 'important'?

Night all!


Sparkling Adventures said...

No, we rarely get nights out. I hear of other couples who enjoy regular "date" nights, but we've had probably one in the last twelve months. We just don't have any babysitters.
If we do go out, we usually eat Indian or Thai.

Bec said...

Thanks Katherine, I am feeling better. Still taking it a little easy, no heavy lifting and all that.

Thanks for sharing that site too!

ARTwendy ... said...

oh - i HEART the white too!

Nelle said...

Argh! I thought you were OFF the bandwagon, but I'd stuffed my subscription up! Sorryyyy! I've missed you! Um, the piano was from abc pianos in Montrose. With some of Si's baby bonus. It's second hand. Obviously! xo

(lol, the security word is 'Rannu', which is what River calls out when Randall isn't responding to 'Daddeeeeee!'