One life to live but so much to give.
I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a wife, I am a mother....
I am an in.di.vid.ual and there's so much to me....
more than I even know

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Burn fire burn

Good evening 7.3 people! Man if only I didn't have bitches, bitching about my every move I would make this blog public so people could come flooding my gates with thanksgiving in their hearts to read all this! Apologies to those who prefer to not see/read  the word bitches. :)

I do have things to report but the main thing killing me is uploading pics! For those of you with enough money to afford rich people's camera's....I joke, I joke (SLR's) doesn't it take your four ev ah! To load your photos due to the size of them?!

Short run down of all things exciting in our lives.

New friend's

Baby showers (other people's.....don't panic about my womb being occupied)

Painting!!!! Doll's house AND..........The office!!  Not thrilled with the colour of the office but Ben my eternal optimist likes it (and picked it). I'm telling ya as soon as I heard the word's painting and yes in the same sentence I was waiting in the van with the engine running!

Here is the part where you imagine pictures.......




Ooooo ahhhhh so pretty!

I seriously think it is time for bed! Lately I have been so tired and feeling so lazy. It is hard painting when you like things tidy. You just CAN'T be tidy! You have to unload a room and put stuff into another room that is already full!

Whoever said I am not positive obviously doesn't notice how many times I use exclamation marks! Hahaha that last one wasn't intentional.

I will leave you with this....

Picture Ben and I in bed (keep it clean, keep it clean!) Ben of course is on ebay mentally buying more speakers (he would definitely DIE/ be deaded .....yes that's a word..... if he added to what we already have....sigh) I am catching flies/sleeping. I suddenly spring my eyes open, jump out of bed and say to Ben "I don't want you to panic but there is a huntsman right behind the bed head.

Ben panics and get out of bed. Hahahaha there is no huntsman. Ben goes out of the room. Comes back aproximately 2.7 seconds later and I am asleep again!

Ben laughs, I wake up and say "was that real, did I just get out of bed?" Ben says yes, I fall back asleep.

Whacko jacko!

This is up there with a sleepover I had at a friend's house when I was 16 and I sat bolt upright in the middle of the night screaming at her in some kinda Asian sounding language. I'm smart but English is all I got. She asked if I was alright. I put my hand up then closed my eyes and fell back asleep.


Sorry about no pics. I have pics of the office but......well I will now call the room the detention room. We painted it green (Hi Wendy!) and know when you just have the colour in your mind but it just isn't perfect? Oh well. God blesses me greatly in my life. I think focussing on shades of green should be a lower priority for me.

Happy birthday for yesterday Bec's little cutie S! Red, red BEAUTIFUL red hair!

Might share some updates on homeschooling......Grace is crying so gotta run!


Bec said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. No fancy camera here either :(

Bitchings crappy! Focuses on the wrong things. The other thing you could do if you want to take your blog public is moderate the comments so you only put up the real ones, not those with nothing better to do than have a go.


Sparkling Adventures said...

There'll be a setting on your camera where you can make the pictures a much smaller file size (if you know you're just blogging the pics). The reason the file sizes are so big are so you can print them HUGE if you want to. But even the smaller size would probably be fine for printing normal-size. Check it out.

I'm like you in that I have weird sleep-walking/talking experiences often. It used to drive David crazy -- and he thought I was putting it on. I see snakes, think the baby is under the doona, hear someone in the house, talk about all sorts of things, etc. I don't remember unless David wakes me up in the middle of it, and then I'm just cross at him for waking me up.

Looking forward to the photos when you get them up!

And I love learning more about you here.


ARTwendy ... said...

Hey girl .... I just wait for an eternity for the pics to upload ... go off & do something else. Apparently if you use Flickr its quicker but I haven't worked than one out yet!
Can't wait to hear about the homeschooling ...
Can't wait to see the detention green room! When am I invited?